Aufsichtsrat und Wirtschaftsprüfer
Von der Hauptversammlung gewählte Aufsichtsratsmitglieder

Johan Malmquist
Other assignments: Chairman of the Board of Arjo AB and Getinge AB. Board member of Mölnlycke Health Care AB, Stena Adactum AB and the Chalmers University of Technology Foundation
Qualifications: Graduate in business administration.
Employment and primary professional experience: Full-time Board member and/or Chairman. Formerly President and CEO of Getinge AB and various senior positions at Electrolux AB
Holdings 2024: 10,000 shares.
Born: 1961. Elected to the Board: 2016.
Dependence: No

Gunilla Fransson
Other assignments: Board member of the Dunker Foundations, Nederman AB and Securitas AB
Qualifications: M.Sc. Eng. and Licentiate of Technology.
Employment and primary professional experience: Full-time Board member and/or Chairman. Formerly various senior positions at Saab AB and Ericsson AB.
Holdings 2024: 3,000 shares.
Born: 1960. Elected to the Board: 2016.
Dependence: Yes. Dependent in relation to the company’s major shareholders through her assignment on behalf of Trelleborg’s main owner, the Dunker Foundations.

Monica Gimre
Other assignments: -
Qualifications: M.Sc. Eng.
Employment and professional experience: Full-time Board member Formerly President of Sidel Group and various senior positions at Tetra Pak and Alfa Laval
Holdings 2024: 4,538 shares.
Born: 1960. Elected to Board: 2021.
Dependence: No.

Henrik Lange
Other assignments: Vice Chairman of the Board of Velux A/S. Board member of the Dunker Foundations, Alfa Laval AB, BDR Thermea Group B.V. and Traction AB.
Qualifications: Graduate in business administration
Employment and primary professional experience: Full-time Board member and/or Chairman. Formerly President and CEO of Gunnebo AB, senior positions within SKF Group, CEO of Johnson Pump AB
Shareholding 2024: 4,000
Born: 1961 Elected to the Board: 2023
Dependence: Yes. Dependent in relation to the company’s major shareholders through his assignment on behalf of Trelleborg’s main owner, the Dunker Foundations

Peter Nilsson
Qualifications: M.Sc. Eng.
Other assignments: Chairman of the Board of Cibes Holding AB. Board member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden and Svenska Handbollslandslaget AB
Employment and primary professional experience: President and CEO of Trelleborg AB. Formerly Business Area President at Trelleborg and other posts within the Trelleborg Group, as well as management consultant at BSI.
Holdings 2024: 64,500
Born: 1966. Elected to Board: 2006.
Dependence: Yes. Dependent in relation to the company as a result of his position as Trelleborg’s President.

Anne Mette Olesen
Other assignments: Board member of Schur International A/S and Konsul Axel Schur og Hustrus Fond
Qualifications: MBA and B.Sc. Eng.
Employment and professional experience: Full-time Board member and investor. Formerly various senior positions at Coloplast A/S, Chr. Hansen A/S and Danisco Ingredients A/S, and Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer AAK AB
Holdings 2024: 2,500 shares.
Born: 1964. Elected to Board: 2015.
Dependence: No.

Jan Ståhlberg
Other assignments: Board member of Bactiguard Holding AB and ITB-Med AB
Qualifications: Graduate in business administration.
Employment and professional experience: Founder and CEO of Trill Impact AB. Formerly Vice President and Deputy Chairman of EQT and various senior positions at Ovako Steel
Holdings 2024: 130,000 shares.
Born: 1962. Elected to Board: 2018.
Dependence: No
Von den Mitarbeitern gewählte Aufsichtsratsmitglieder

Jimmy Faltin
Employee representative, appointed by the Unions of the Trelleborg Group (LO)
Elected to the Board: 2018
Born: 1965
Nationality: Swedish
Machine operator. Other assignments: Chairman of the Trelleborg European Works Council, member of the Trelleborg Swedish Works Council (LO) and the Negotiating Delegation Technology Agreement IF Metall. Division Chairman IF Metall Norra Västerbotten
Qualifications: Training in behavioral science, employment contracts and labor law
Shareholding 2024: –

Maria Eriksson
Elected to the Board: 2020
Born: 1972
Nationality: Swedish
Quality engineer. Other assignments: Chairman of Unionen Trelleborg Ersmark AB, member of Trelleborg Swedish Works Council (PTK) and member of Trelleborg European Council
Qualifications: Engineer, machine specialist
Shareholding 2024: –

Lars Pettersson
Elected to the Board: 2018
Born: 1965
Nationality: Swedish
Machine operator. Other assignments: Member of Unions of the Trelleborg Group (LO)
Qualifications: Cabinetmaker, training in negotiation and in salary system development
Shareholding 2024: –

Magnus Olofsson
Deputy employee representative, appointed by the Unions of the Trelleborg Group (PTK)
Elected to the Board: 2021
Born: 1964
Nationality: Swedish
Production manager and process manager. Other assignments: Chairman of Unionen Trelleborg Industri AB and Trelleborg AB and member of Trelleborg Swedish Works Council (PTK)
Qualifications: Rubber and plastics technology.
Previous positions in production management, product and process development.
Shareholding 2024: –