Trelleborg Group University

Trelleborg International Management Program
The way our leaders lead themselves and others is more important than ever. This is the focus of the Trelleborg International Leadership Program, which has its foundations in Trelleborg’s coaching and feedback-based leadership style.
Trelleborg Graduate Program
Your first job after university should offer a clear career path and carefully thought-out training programs to help you excel and develop. The program is designed for graduates and provides the skills required to become managers at Trelleborg.
participants joined at least one training activity within the overall course portfolio in 2024

participants joined at least one Group University training activity in 2024


training hours in Group University in 2024


A place where our talents grow

Trelleborg Excellence Program

Trelleborg Manufacturing Excellence

Trelleborg Purchasing Excellence

Trelleborg People Excellence

Trelleborg Sales Excellence

Current vacancies

Woman in front of Trelleborg logo

Seize the opportunity to shape industry from the inside.



Helena Svärd

Group Learning and Development Manager

Trelleborg AB (publ), HQ
tel:  + 46 410 670 00