Trelleborg Group University
Die Entwicklung von Einzelpersonen und Teams ist entscheidend, um Geschäftsziele zu erreichen, ein ansprechendes Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen und eine Hochleistungskultur aufrechtzuerhalten. Die Erwartungen an die Fähigkeiten und das Verhalten unserer Mitarbeiter sind in den Kernwerten festgelegt. Alle Programme sind darauf ausgerichtet, unsere Trelleborg-Kernwerte Kundenorientierung, Leistung, Innovation und Verantwortung zu unterstützen.
Teilnehmer nahmen im Jahr 2024 an mindestens einer Schulungsaktivität der Group University teil.
Schulungsstunden in der Group University im Jahr 2024.

Hier fördern wir Talente
Am 26. Januar 2018 wurde der Campus der Trelleborg Group University am Firmenhauptsitz in Trelleborg, Schweden, eingeweiht.
Besuchen Sie unseren neuen Trelleborg Group University Campus!
Graduate Program
Trelleborg’s Graduate Program is one of the most effective to be developed amongst international manufacturers and consists of five modules, each one-week, spread over 15 months. Coming under the umbrella of the Trelleborg Group University training program, the course is designed for graduates starting directly from university or during their first job after completing a degree.
The aim is to provide the skills required to enable employees to become the future managers of Trelleborg and for them to understand early in their careers the core values that the company stands for – customer focus, performance, innovation and responsibility. The course also gives an insight on leadership skills, in alignment with Trelleborg’s leadership profiles, clearly differentiating those needed to be a manager.
Each of the five modules is held in a different country. Bringing together employees from around the world enables them to experience different cultures and attitudes, while also gaining a greater understanding of the various divisions and businesses within the group. Trelleborg employs around 22,000 people in more than 49 countries and operates in fields as diverse as offshore construction to coating and sealing technologies, in which it is a world leader.

Carolin Grab, Inside Sales Manager Fluidpower/Pneumatik for Trelleborg's sealing solutions operation, Germany
“The training we received about leadership and management was hugely beneficial to me. Today I’m in charge of a team of five. My initial aims, to network more, also proved to be very important. I met people from other Business Areas working on similar projects and in more than one instance we have been able to solve a problem because I have known who to call. During all my time at Trelleborg I have never felt that I was just a number and have always had the feeling that I was taken as a capable person, even at a young age.”

Bret Mao, Product Engineer for Trelleborg's sealing solutions operation, Shanghai
“When I arrived for the first module at Trelleborg Sweden I was shy and unsure of my English, so tended to avoid trying to communicate. With Trelleborg’s help and encouragement I am today a very different person, with the self confidence to be pro-active and positive in everything I do.”

Adam Grady, Graduate Design Engineer for Trelleborg's offshore operation, UK
“The fact that Trelleborg had a Graduate Program was one of the reasons that I applied for a job,” says Adam. “The course turned out to be an extremely good experience for me. With the internal Graduate Program run by Trelleborg's offshore operation, I had the chance to visit all of the offshore sites, while with the corporate Graduate Program I was able to better understand what all the other Business Areas are doing within the group. It’s a perfect fit.”
Aktuelle Stellenangebote

Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, Industrie von innen heraus zu gestalten
In einem weltweiten Konzern sind die beruflichen Möglichkeiten grenzenlos. Kommen Sie zu einem Pionier der Kunststofftechnik, einem innovativen Partner, der mit seinen Kunden die Entwicklung wichtiger Industrien gestaltet.
Stoßen Sie vor ins Zentrum des Geschehens und studieren Sie unsere aktuellen Stellenangebote.

Helena Svärd
Group Learning and Development Manager
Trelleborg AB (publ), HQ
tel: + 46 410 670 00