SuperSealer Ronny Perdegård

December's SuperSealer is a 13-year Trelleborg veteran who refuses to sit still. When he's not busy entertaining two young grandchildren or playing sports, he's helping to shape the future of Trelleborg Seals & Profiles' EMEA product area. He tells us what he loves most about his role and how he keeps himself strong as an ox.
Who are you?
My name is Ronny Perdegård and I’m Operations Director for the EMEA product area for Trelleborg Seals & Profiles.
How long have you worked in this position and what are your key duties?
I joined Seals & Profiles in November 2022 as Operations Director. My role is to develop strategies, implement best practices for optimal performance, monitor the progress of global operations and identify business opportunities for the business with a focus on manufacturing and supply chain excellence.
How long have you been with Trelleborg overall and what do you like about working here?
I joined Trelleborg in January 2011. Over the course of 13 years and several roles, I've really come to appreciate the company's culture and core values and how people really live by them.
Trelleborg’s business unit structure combines the best of both worlds: the flexibility of a decentralized organization with the bonus of being part of a diverse global company. Trelleborg also offers amazing opportunities for personal development, such as Trelleborg University, and there are always new challenges you can take on in addition to your normal role. It's fantastic to see individuals and teams growing and taking the initiative to continuously improve operations.
What are the key challenges you face in your job?
The challenges vary depending on trends and market developments. One of the biggest tests over the past year has been aligning our capacity and working capital with current demand. We’re also implementing important efficiency projects that are critical to future performance, competitiveness and customer satisfaction. In general, operations and the supply chain are about finding the best solutions for our customers.
How do you think the business in your area is going to evolve in the future?
This year, we established our Vision 2030 and Strategic Plan 2024-2026. We plan to grow in selected segments and markets. We're also targeting expansion in new applications, and we'll build sustainability into our products and operations. We also need to accelerate the use of digital support and tools, which will require continued investment in people and technology.
What do you do in your free time?
I'm privileged to be a grandfather to two wonderful children, a three-year-old boy and a one-year-old girl. When I’m not on grandparenting duty, I also enjoy sports – from golf to more active pursuits like biking, hiking and skiing. The rest of the time I’m at the gym trying to stay strong as an ox!