HMF FlatSeal™ Benchmark Testing Data

Date: 11.05.23
Une nouvelle brochure présente les joints plats HMF FlatSeal™ conçus pour les applications les plus difficiles, notamment le transport de produits chimiques.
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions offers effective sealing with its HMF FlatSeal™ gaskets designed to meet all flat gasket sealing needs. Our high-performance material portfolio includes compressed non-asbestos fiber, flexible graphite, and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) gaskets to meet the complete range of needs for the chemical transportation industry. To prove their outstanding performance, these flat gaskets were tested against comparable competitor products for leakage, residual stress, and fluid compatibility.
>> Download the HMF FlatSeal™ brochure to find out more
>> Download the HMF FlatSeal™ brochure to find out more