Key features & benefits

Pillow shaped plugs product overview
PLUGY PILOW - Blocking Plugs
PLUGY PILOW - BypassPlugs
Pillow shaped plugs inserting

Inserting a folded pillow plug

Pillow shaped plugs placing

Placing – pillow plug should be positioned horizontally

Pillow shaped plugs Inflated

Inflated pillow plug

Coupling System

 Coupling system GEKA 1 bar



Single Fitting controller 1 bar

Single Fitting Controller

 Inflation hose yellow 10m with GEKA coupling

Inflation Hose 10 m (33’) with Safety Geka Coupling

Adapter GEKA 26 02 kg

Adapter Geka/26


Pipe plugs & packers

Pipe plugs and packer

Pipe plugs and packer

Pipe plugs and packer

Download manuals of use

Pneumatic plugs

Pneumatic plugs

Pneumatic plugs

Pneumatic plugs

Pneumatic plugs

Pneumatic plugs

Pneumatic plugs

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