Entrance of Trelleborg HQ

Trelleborg Group Head Office  

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Trelleborg locations

Address list filters
addresses found
Trelleborg Group
Johan Kocksgatan 10 P.O. Box 153
Trelleborg Corporate reg no. 556006-3421
231 22 Sweden


Trelleborg's logo on Trelleborg building's facade

Sustainability contacts


Johan Wijk

Vice President Group Excellence & Sustainability
Tel: +46 731 531 395
Patrik Romberg Trelleborg's SVP Group Communications and Human Resources

Patrik Romberg

Senior Vice President Group Communications & Human Resources
Tel: +46 410 670 94

Media contacts


Tobias Rydergren

Vice President Communications


Tel: +46 733 747 015
Patrik Romberg Trelleborg's SVP Group Communications and Human Resources

Patrik Romberg

Senior Vice President Group Communications & Human Resources
Tel: +46 410 670 94

Investor contacts

Christofer Sjögren

Vice President Investor Relations
tel: +46 410 670 68
mob: +46 708 66 51 40

E-mail: christofer.sjogren(at)trelleborg.com

HR contacts


Iain Micallef

Vice President Human Resources

Trelleborg Industrial Solutions

Tel: +971 4 808 6000

Jess Gritz

Vice President Human Resources
Trelleborg Medical Solutions
Tel: +1 (800) 927-1470

Keeley White

Vice President Human Resources

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions

Tel: +44 168 485 7600
Patrik Romberg Trelleborg's SVP Group Communications and Human Resources

Patrik Romberg

Senior Vice President Group Communications & Human Resources
Tel: +46 410 670 94

Data privacy office

Data Privacy

Contact our Data privacy office