This page provides information for our suppliers and provides a way for new suppliers to contact us.
Trelleborg is continuously looking for new competitive and innovative suppliers from all over the world and have a strong belief in developing long-term relationships in order to keep and further develop our leading market positions.
If you are interested in becoming one of our suppliers, we ask you to fill in our contact form.
In order to move towards sustainability and to minimize administrative costs for handling invoices, Trelleborg Group will from now on use electronic invoice format as the preferred alternative and gradually as the only invoicing option. Please note that we will accept paper invoices only in exceptional cases. If it is not possible for you to send e-invoices we can in some cases allow you to send pdf invoices by e-mail.The document How to send E-invoices to Trelleborg contains important information for you and your e-invoicing operator and a step by step instruction on how to get started.You will find invoice addresses and VAT-numbers for all companies within the Trelleborg Group in the document Addresses and VAT-numbers to Trelleborg companies.
Our Product Portfolio
Trelleborg is continuously looking for new competitive and innovative suppliers from all over the world and have a strong belief in developing long-term relationships in order to keep and further develop our leading market positions. Please find our purchasing product range below:
Direct Material
Rubber and plastic raw materials |
Rubber and plastic compounds |
Textiles |
Forgings, pressings and stampings, bearings |
Castings |
Tubes, clamps, formings and machinings |
Thermoplastic components |
Rubber molding and extrusions |
Indirect Material and Services
Energy |
Freight |
Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) |
Information Technology & Communications (ITC) |
Travel |
Carfleets |
Terms and conditions