Mark Strauss

Since joining Trelleborg in Australia in 2009 as a Project Engineer, I have moved into the role of General Manager of the Sydney marine fender business in 2014 and then onto the role of Regional Director – Asia Pacific Marine Fenders in 2016. As my responsibilities and role have broadened, so too has my exposure to greater facets of the business. This includes bringing together many different business functions within a multitude of global cultures, from the business’ commercial administration to sales, projects, quality and supply, procurement, HR and marketing. In my role I am able bring to together a team of high performers to provide our customers with great customer service and the best fender systems available globally.
My responsibilities have allowed me to regularly travel and work right across Asia including China, Japan, South East Asia and Oceania in over 20 countries. Certainly the greatest challenge has been learning the many cultural nuances from such a large and diverse region as Asia Pacific.
As Trelleborg always positions itself as a premium supplier, I am able to manage a business which gives full focus to providing value added engineered solutions. I find that I most enjoy when I am learning and where I am building an environment in which my team and colleagues can learn and develop. Often in my role, it is my responsibility to not just provide leadership but also to facilitate positive change and innovation from others within the business. With idea and feedback forums that we run, we can harness the experiences and creativity of our greatest assets to improve the business and also develop highly engaged teams.