Sustainability Exercise with Lund University Master Students

Date: 28.03.18
A cornerstone of Trelleborg’s Corporate Responsibility (CR) is the materiality analysis conducted to ensure that the company’s CR efforts take into consideration the significance of Trelleborg’s operations for various stakeholder groups and that its CR communication actually meets their expectations.
In October 2017, Trelleborg’s CR team hosted the two-day workshop with about 40 students from the two Master’s programs offered by the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics at Lund University. During the workshop Trelleborg’s materiality analysis for 2017 was reviewed, based on the company’s CR Report for 2016. The goal of the exercises was to evaluate the materiality analysis from the perspective of key stakeholder groups: investors, employees, customers, society, media and suppliers. One whole day was devoted to presenting and commenting on the results from a stakeholder perspective.
The passionate students engaged in the exercise extremely well, and raised several valuable points which the CR team considered when the 2017 report was written.
Picture above: The winning teams representing the Media and Suppliers.
The passionate students engaged in the exercise extremely well, and raised several valuable points which the CR team considered when the 2017 report was written.
Picture above: The winning teams representing the Media and Suppliers.