Zurcon® Glyd Ring® D
Cool under pressure
See Zurcon® Glyd Ring® D in action
The Zurcon® Glyd Ring® D combines a new seal design and with the new Zurcon Z13 polyurethane for unrivalled seal performance at high pressures.
新ポリウレタン材料のザーコン®Z13は、大変優れた機械的特性および弾性をもち、様々な作動油、鉱物油、合成油、水性エマルションに対する耐性を持っています。 また、はみ出しや加水分解を起こしにくく、内面の仕上げが粗いシリンダにも使用できます。
When the seal is pressure loaded, the seal body rotates, improving contact pressure on the sealing edges. If the pressure changes direction, then the seal returns to its original position – avoiding blow-by effects.
The new Zurcon® Z13 polyurethane material displays excellent mechanical and elastic properties and is compatible with a variety of hydraulic, mineral, synthetic and water-based fluids. In addition, this material offers excellent wear, extrusion and hydrolysis resistance and can be used in cylinders with lower quality inner walls.
Download the brochure for detailed information on product features and material data