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Trelleborg Medical Solutions offers an innovative range of digital tools and services for mobile devices.
Material Compatibility App
The Trelleborg Medical Solutions Material Compatibility App for the medical industry offers a quick and easy overview of which materials are compatible with different environments.
Features at a Glance
Cross reference 34 different materials with 35 chemical environments to find the most effective compounds for your application
Up to 20 materials and environments can be selected at once, allowing quick checking of multiple materials and conditions and producing an easy to read compatibility chart which rates each material from “excellent” to “not recommended”
Tubing & Hose Selector App
Specifically developed for the medical industry, the Tubing and Hose Selector app simplifies choosing the correct tubing and hose based on input parameters such as material and pressure, giving the information instantly and removing the need to search through catalogs. The app also allows you to directly request samples or contact Trelleborg Medical Solutions from the interface.
How to:
Simply scan the QR-Code icon with your mobile device.
A QR-Code reader can also be found easily in your app-store by searching for 'QR scanner'.
You will be directly forwarded to the download area in iTunes or Google play.
More Trelleborg Apps !
Our Unit and Hardness Converter app is intuitive and easy to use