Board of Directors and Auditors

Board Members elected by Annual General Meeting


Johan Malmquist

Other assignments: Chairman of the Board of Arjo AB and Getinge AB. Board member of Mölnlycke Health Care AB, Stena Adactum AB and the Chalmers University of Technology Foundation
Qualifications: Graduate in business administration.
Employment and primary professional experience: Full-time Board member and/or Chairman. Formerly President and CEO of Getinge AB and various senior positions at Electrolux AB
Holdings 2024: 10,000 shares.
Born: 1961. Elected to the Board: 2016.
Dependence: No

Gunilla Fransson

Board member
Other assignments: Board member of the Dunker Foundations, Nederman AB and Securitas AB
Qualifications: M.Sc. Eng. and Licentiate of Technology.
Employment and primary professional experience: Full-time Board member and/or Chairman. Formerly various senior positions at Saab AB and Ericsson AB.
Holdings 20243,000 shares.
Born: 1960. Elected to the Board: 2016.
Dependence: Yes. Dependent in relation to the company’s major shareholders through her assignment on behalf of Trelleborg’s main owner, the Dunker Foundations.
Monica Gimre portrait

Monica Gimre

Board member
Other assignments
: -
Qualifications: M.Sc. Eng.
Employment and professional experience: Full-time Board member Formerly President of Sidel Group and various senior positions at Tetra Pak and Alfa Laval
Holdings 2024: 4,538 shares.
Born: 1960. Elected to Board: 2021.
Dependence: No.

Henrik Lange

Board member
Other assignments: Vice Chairman of the Board of Velux A/S. Board member of the Dunker Foundations, Alfa Laval AB, BDR Thermea Group B.V.  and Traction AB.
Qualifications: Graduate in business administration
Employment and primary professional experience: Full-time Board member and/or Chairman. Formerly President and CEO of Gunnebo AB, senior positions within SKF Group, CEO of Johnson Pump AB
Shareholding 2024: 4,000
Born: 1961 Elected to the Board: 2023
Dependence: Yes. Dependent in relation to the company’s major shareholders through his assignment on behalf of Trelleborg’s main owner, the Dunker Foundations

Peter Nilsson

President and CEO Trelleborg of Trelleborg AB.
Qualifications: M.Sc. Eng.
Other assignments: Chairman of the Board of Cibes Holding AB. Board member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden and Svenska Handbollslandslaget AB
Employment and primary professional experience: President and CEO of Trelleborg AB. Formerly Business Area President at Trelleborg and other posts within the Trelleborg Group, as well as management consultant at BSI.
Holdings 2024: 64,500
Born: 1966. Elected to Board: 2006.
Dependence: Yes. Dependent in relation to the company as a result of his position as Trelleborg’s President.

Anne Mette Olesen

Board member
Other assignments:
Board member of Schur International A/S and Konsul Axel Schur og Hustrus Fond
Qualifications: MBA and B.Sc. Eng. 
Employment and professional experience: Full-time Board member and investor. Formerly various senior positions at Coloplast A/S, Chr. Hansen A/S and Danisco Ingredients A/S, and Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer AAK AB
Holdings 2024: 2,500 shares.
Born: 1964. Elected to Board: 2015.
Dependence: No.

Jan Ståhlberg

Board member 
Other assignments: Board member of Bactiguard Holding AB and ITB-Med AB
Qualifications: Graduate in business administration.
Employment and professional experience: Founder and CEO of Trill Impact AB. Formerly Vice President and Deputy Chairman of EQT and various senior positions at Ovako Steel
Holdings 2024: 130,000 shares.
Born: 1962. Elected to Board: 2018. 
Dependence: No

Board members appointed by employees


Jimmy Faltin

Employee representative, appointed by the Unions of the Trelleborg Group (LO)
Elected to the Board: 2018
Born: 1965
Nationality: Swedish
Machine operator. Other assignments: Chairman of the Trelleborg European Works Council, member of the Trelleborg Swedish Works Council (LO) and the Negotiating Delegation Technology Agreement IF Metall. Division Chairman IF Metall Norra Västerbotten
Qualifications: Training in behavioral science, employment contracts and labor law
Shareholding 2024: –


Maria Eriksson

Employee representative, appointed by the Unions of the Trelleborg Group (PTK)
Elected to the Board: 2020
Born: 1972
Nationality: Swedish
Quality engineer. Other assignments: Chairman of Unionen Trelleborg Ersmark AB, member of Trelleborg Swedish Works Council (PTK) and member of Trelleborg European Council
Qualifications: Engineer, machine specialist
Shareholding 2024: –

Lars Pettersson

Employee representative, appointed by the Unions of the Trelleborg Group (LO)
Elected to the Board: 2018
Born: 1965
Nationality: Swedish
Machine operator. Other assignments: Member of Unions of the Trelleborg Group (LO)
Qualifications: Cabinetmaker, training in negotiation and in salary system development
Shareholding 2024: –

Magnus Olofsson

Deputy employee representative, appointed by the Unions of the Trelleborg Group (PTK)
Elected to the Board: 2021
Born: 1964
Nationality: Swedish
Production manager and process manager. Other assignments: Chairman of Unionen Trelleborg Industri AB and Trelleborg AB and member of Trelleborg Swedish Works Council (PTK)
Qualifications: Rubber and plastics technology.
Previous positions in production management, product and process development.
Shareholding 2024: –

Attendance 2024

Work of the Board of Directors

Board's Committees

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee represents the Board in matters such as monitoring the processes concerning financial reporting, risk management and internal control and also assists the Nomination Committee with proposals for the election of auditor. 


The Audit Committee is composed by Gunilla Fransson, who also chairs the Committee, Henrik Lange,  Monica Gimre and Jan Ståhlberg. The Group’s CFO, the Group’s General Counsel, who is also the Secretary of the Audit Committee, the Head of the Internal Control, the Head of Group Finance, the Head of Group Treasury and the Head of Group Tax participate in the Committee meetings, as does the company’s auditor, when necessary.

Remuneration Committte

The Remuneration Committee prepares remuneration and other employment terms for the President and decides on these for other senior executives. The Committee represents the Board in managerial and succession planning as well as leadership development


The Compensation Committee is composed by Johan Malmquist, who also chairs the Committee, Gunilla Fransson and Anne Mette Olesen. The Senior Vice President Human Resources, who is also the Secretary of the Compensation Committee, participates in Committee meetings.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee acts on behalf of the Board, preparing the strategic issues in relation to financing, evaluating the Group’s existing and required financing scope, as well as potential acquisitions and their impact on the Group.


The Finance Committee is composed by Johan Malmquist, who also chairs the Committee, Henrik Lange and Jan Ståhlberg. The President and CEO, the Group’s CFO and the VP M&A and Strategy, who is also the Secretary of the Finance Committee, participate in the Committee meetings. 


Portait of Kent Åkerlund

Kent Åkerlund

Authorized Public Accountant, Auditor in Charge
Auditor of the Trelleborg Group since 2024. Partner of Deloitte since 2007.
Qualifications: Graduate in business administration. Authorized Public Accountant since 2004.
Other assignments: Addtech, Diös Fastigheter, OX2, RaySearch and SkiStar
Born: 1974. 

Auditors’ remuneration