Trelleborg’s products, solutions and social activities contribute to the sustainable development of society
Read more about how Trelleborg’s products and solutions contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals below
Engineered components for drug delivery systems with liquid contained in medical tubes

Goal 3 - Good health and well-being

Happy girl using public water pipe outside in city
Goal 6  - Clean water and sanitation
Sustainable offshore wind turbines producing clean energy on stormy sea

Goal 7 - Clean Energy

Train driving through city on high bridge infrastructure
Goal 9 - Sustainable industry, innovation and infrastructure
City with buildings close to elevated main road with low traffic

Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities

Robots in manufacturing industry with hydraulic seals
Goal 13 - Climate action

Sustainability Contacts


Johan Wijk

Vice President Group Excellence & Sustainability
Tel: +46 731 531 395
Patrik Romberg Trelleborg's SVP Group Communications and Human Resources

Patrik Romberg

Senior Vice President Group Communications & Human Resources
Tel: +46 410 670 94