What can external Stakeholders report?
All Trelleborg Code of Conduct violations can be reported, including but not limited to:
- Ethics and compliance issues, fraud, misconduct, corruption, financial issues, conflicts of interest, insider trading or antitrust regulations, theft, embezzlement.
- Employee relations and human resources issues, such as harassment, discrimination, improper workplace conduct, or immigration issues.
- Workplace violence and alcohol/drug abuse.
- Environment, conflict minerals, health and safety, such as occupational health and safety violations.
The Trelleborg Whistleblower Hotline
Trelleborg Group uses an independent external web service to enable all external stakeholders to anonymously report violations, concerns, or potential non-compliances of our Code of Conduct. The Trelleborg Whistleblower Hotline is available 24/7. Reports can only be made in English. To help investigate a concern, we ask that you provide as much detailed information including dates, persons involved, countries, incidents etc. so that the Trelleborg Whistleblower function can investigate your report fairly and thoroughly. By providing your personal contact information the Group can communicate with you directly if further information and assistance is needed from you;
Reports received via the Trelleborg Whistleblower Hotline are investigated promptly and discreetly.
All cases are investigated. Any consequent findings are recorded and reviewed. Proven cases of non-compliance can lead to disciplinary and/or legal action.
If you choose to provide your contact information when your report, you will be contacted by the investigation team and informed about the outcome of the investigation. Retaliation of any kind against anyone who reports a concern is a violation of the Trelleborg Code of Conduct and will not be tolerated.
All external stakeholders that have a business relationship with Trelleborg Group can make a report by submitting a web report through the Trelleborg Whistleblower Hotline hosted by People Intouch.
Click the link above or scan the QR-code to access the hotline.
Trelleborg Group employees should report using the following link T-Talk