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Protecting the Essential spans three focus areas: Operations, Compliance, and Social Engagement.
By working on these focus areas, we are further enabling the organization’s long-term value creation.
Our commitment to these focus areas is also helping us achieve the Group’s ambition of a 50% reduction in carbon emissions relative to sales by 2025 and our longer-term vision of being carbon neutral by 2035.
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In Trelleborg, we work systematically to improve our key business processes. We take care of our people, and we minimize waste and other negative impact on society.
Wherever Trelleborg is present, we abide by laws and regulations, respect human rights and are characterized by exemplary business ethics summarized in our Code of Conduct.
We want to be a part of the local communities where we are present, and act as a good corporate citizen. We give dedicated support to young persons’ learning and development activities.