Sales Growth
Annual sales growth, including organic sales and structural changes, over a business cycle should be >8 percent.
Outcome 2024: 1%
Commentary on outcome in 2024
Net sales were on a par with the preceding year and amounted to SEK 34,170 M (34,286). Organic sales were unchanged compared to 2023. Structural changes increased sales by 1 percent and currency movements were -1 percent compared with the preceding year. Total sales growth, organic as well as structural, averaged 6.9 percent over the past five years.

EBITA margin
The EBITA margin, excluding items affecting comparability, is to amount to >20 percent over an economic cycle.
Outcome 2024: 18%
Commentary on outcome:
The EBITA margin was 18.0 percent (17.5). Earnings and the margin were the highest ever for a single year. The EBITA margin averaged 17.1 percent over the past five years.

Return on capital employed
The return on capital employed (ROCE), excluding items affecting comparability, is to amount to >15 percent over an economic cycle.
Outcome 2024: 12.0%
Commentary on outcome in
The return on capital employed (ROCE), excluding items affecting comparability, was 12.0 percent (12.9). The return measure was impacted by acquisitions with initially lower returns. ROCE averaged 13.4 percent over the past five years.