Trelleborg as an investment
Trelleborg is working continuously to create value for all of its stakeholders. For those considering an investment in Trelleborg, there are a number of factors that form the basis for the Group’s value creation.
Trelleborg is a Group with a long, venerable history that in recent years has undergone significant changes. Product areas with less growth potential have been divested, which has resulted in a more coherent portfolio with similar business characteristics. The focus is now on increasing the proportion of income from industries and market segments with strong structural growth such as medical technology, industrial automation, aerospace and semiconductors. This can be achieved through increased investments in existing operations, in both the organization and production capacity as well as through strategic acquisitions.
Trelleborg’s strong balance sheet and stable cash flows permit investments in organic, capacity increasing initiatives and acquisitions in selected rapidly growing market segments, in addition to the continued share buybacks. The strong financial position of the Group also provides scope for maintaining our dividend policy in parallel with the share repurchase program.

Christofer Sjögren
Vice President Investor Relations
tel: +46 410 670 68
mob: +46 708 66 51 40
E-mail: christofer.sjogren(at)