Thermoplastic Composites for the Industrial World | Automated Dynamics

Growth in industrial sectors such as alternative energy, biological research, and chemical production has continued to attract the attention of composites manufacturers. Offering ideal strength-to-weight ratios and non-reactive materials, thermoplastic composites lend advantages to critical operations such as production, storage, filtration, and transportation.
Popular needs encompass reinforced piping and tubes, custom designed containers, and pressure vessels. Automated Dynamics’ AFP equipment is perfectly suited for such cylindrical applications. Placing plies/layers one at time enables full customization to optimize load paths, and the automated process offers a repeatable solution. This is critical when faced with testing and regulatory challenges. Benefits include:
- Non-reactive materials
- High-strength designs are possible while maintaining a relatively thin wall thickness and light weight
- Pieces are easy to implement, transport, or manipulate (e.g. Drilling)
- Maintain their shape well – can be perfectly rounded, not easily warped
- Recyclability – depending on the application, parts can be re-used several times
- Sizes can range from just a few centimeters to over 120cm inner diameter
- Using qualified materials and processes aids in the process of scaling up operations, moving from initial research to high-volume production.
An all-thermoplastic pressure vessel would be advantageous due to the improved damage tolerance, corrosion resistance, reduced VOCs (volatile organic compounds such as styrene), and recyclability. However, the cost to produce an all-thermoplastic pressure vessel has been prohibitive in the past due primarily to the lack of a suitable manufacturing method.
Automated Dynamics’ core technologies are ideal for manufacturing low-cost thermoplastic pressure vessels. These pressure vessels are suitable for applications that require high-pressure containment of liquids and gases. Pressurized containment of water and aqueous liquids presents a primary target for replacement of metal with lightweight, non-conductive, thermoplastic composites.
Contact us today to learn more, or explore our Resources Page for technical papers and presentation detailing our work.
For more information on our industrial projects, contact our sales manager:
Reid Hislop
Sales Manager
518.377.6471 ext.275| Email Reid