Turcon ®
A full range of high performance engineered thermoplastic compounds developed for use in sealing elements. Characteristics: very low friction to reduce power loss, no stick-slip for positional accuracy and control, low wear for long life, excellent chemical resistance / fluid compatibility.
Turcite ®
A full range of high performance engineered thermoplastic compounds for use as plain, linear and wear-ring bearing elements. Characteristics: very low friction for reduced power loss, no stick-slip for positional accuracy / control, good specific bearing loads, low wear for long life, excellent chemical resistance / fluid compatibility, unlimited shelf life, absorbs vibration during machining.
HiMod ®
A range of high modulus, high performance thermoplastics. Grades are available to optimize performance in structural, chemical, electrical and high performance sealing bearing applications.
Zurcon ®
A range of high performance polymers developed for specific duties and service within sealing applications. The material is available in a wide range of compounds, additives and hardnesses to optimize the compatibility and performance of sealing elements with the ever increasing range of industrial fluid media. Of specific interest is the Zurcon® range of injection and cast moulded polyurethanes designed to meet the rigorous demands of hydraulic and pneumatic sealing systems. Characteristics: high mechanical strength, wear and tear resistance.
Isolast ®
A high temperature perfluoroelastomer providing advanced sealing in the most hostile of chemical and processing environments. New materials extend temperature capability to over 300°C and offer the best chemical resistance of any high temperature elastomer. An FDA compliant option is also available.
Orkot ®
Orkot® bearing materials are a range of thermoset composite bearing materials incorporating advanced polymer technologies. These consist of technical fabrics impregnated with thermosetting resins, evenly dispersed solid lubricants and further additives to ensure the optimum solution is reached to satisfy many engineering applications.
Other materials
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions also provides a wide range of thermoplastic and elastomeric materials including filled and unfilled PTFE, PCTFE, ETFE, polyurethanes, polyester elastomers, nitriles, silicones and fluoroelastomers. Products are available to seal most liquid and gaseous media.
Within each material group various compounds and hardnesses are available to meet the requirements of specific applications including FDA, WRAS, and other accredited bodies. Continuous material and geometric design development helps Trelleborg Sealing Solutions to maintain a leading position in sealing and bearing technology.