TC460 Epoxy Tooling Board is an ultra-high temperature, low-density syntactic epoxy tooling board, designed to meet the specific needs of mold makers for a lightweight, CNC machinable board that produces close-tolerance, durable tools.
TC460 has a smooth, non-porous surface finish that requires virtually no secondary finishing or polishing. It has excellent dimensional stability and temperature resistance, maintaining precise geometries and dimensional accuracy making it suitable for use up to 240ºC.
TC460 provides consistent reliable performance, tools are durable to withstand fabrication of multiple parts, and finished parts can be made directly from the tooling. TC460 provides an alternative solution to metal.
TC460 has a low coefficient of thermal resistance, ensuring it has good compatibility with intermediate temperature curing prepegs.
Only available in North America.
Excellent dimensional stability and temperature resistance
Suitable for use with temperatures up to 240ºC
Smooth, non-porous surface finish requiring virtually no finishing or polishing
Consistent, reliable performance
Master models
Direct to part manufacturing
Lay-up tools for high temperature curing epoxy prepregs
coring materials