Boccole Idrauliche in Orkot®

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions has been supplying the hydropower industry for more than 20 years and is a world leading manufacturer of self-lubricating hydro bearings. Reliability, long life and a history of proven performance have made Trelleborg Sealing Solutions the preferred choice in genuine Orkot® Hydro bearings.
Find out more here in our brochures:
Orkot® TXMM Hydro Bearings can run completely dry, they have excellent wear characteristics, and are non-toxic.
Today, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions supplies bearings for a wide range of hydropower applications including; wicket gates, water-lubricated turbine main shaft guide bearings and pump bearings, servo motors, linkages, Kaplan hub bearings, operating ring wear pads, thrust washers, wheel bearings, fish screens, trunnions, and lock gates.
The products comply with the ISO standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, etc.
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Centrale cascate internazionali

Orkot® TXMM Successful for Boise White Paper
Boise White Paper, a major manufacturer and supplier of paper, has found success with Trelleborg Sealing Solution’s Orkot® Hydro Bearings. Orkot® TXMM bearings were used to upgrade the wicket gates at Boise White Paper’s International Falls hydro facility along the Rainy River between Minnesota and the Canadian province of Ontario. This success has led Boise White Paper to replace our competitor’s bushings on the hydro facility’s main shafts with Orkot® TXMM. The dimensional stability of the Orkot® TXMM material was cited as the reason for the upgrade.
The International Falls facility houses seven turbine generators and has a capacity of 11,300 KW. Turbines #1 through #4 were upgraded in 1990 using our competition’s Lubron AQ 100 bushings. Boise White Paper had endured poor performance as a result. The wicket gates and operating arm linkages were continuously binding, and it was necessary for a chain fall to open and close the wicket gates for timing and inspection. Broken shafts were also a persistent problem. Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Eugene recommended the use of the Orkot® TXMM bushings, and they were installed in turbine #2 in 2006.
Once the Orkot® TXMM bushings were in place, Boise White Paper reported immediate positive results. A mechanic was able to move the operating arm by hand and there was no more overshoot or undershoot with the speed control. The unit was placed online automatically, without operator assistance, for the very first time since the start up of the facility.