Rubore® Flat Seal

終結微洩漏: Rubore® Flat Seal
請看看我們的Rubore® Flat Seal 密封件,以柔軟的橡膠經押出加硫製成複雜的幾何圖形密封件。
- 法蘭連接
- 泵
- 汽車變速器
- 電動馬達
Rubore® Frame Seal
Rubore® Frame Seal

安全有效: Rubore® Frame Seal
請參考我們的 Rubore® Frame Seal 密封件!我們專利押出製程製造出擁有複雜而精細幾何圖形的厚襯墊具有良好的壓縮性能。
請參考我們的 Rubore® Frame Seal 密封件!我們專利押出製程製造出擁有複雜而精細幾何圖形的厚襯墊具有良好的壓縮性能。
Rubore® Cap Seal
Rubore® Cap Seal

Rubore® Cap Seal
Optimize the assembly process with the innovative Rubore® Cap Seal
How do you safely and reliably close mounting bores in camshaft housings?
Without the need of adhesives and sealants in the assembly process, Rubore® Cap Seals offer a considerable cost and time saving potential, as well as an enhanced sealing performance compared to conventional sealing caps. Read the flyer to find out more
Rubore®Cover Seal

二合一:Rubore® Cover Seal
Rubore® Cover Seal 蓋密封件,深拉蓋和一體成型的密封可能是您的完美解決方案。其安裝所需的力量特別小,密封唇更容易精確地安裝在所需的位置上。